techstars_ Startup Weekend Las Vegas
3 days dedicated to designers, developers and marketers who wish to share ideas, form teams and launch their own startup.

Learn, Network, & Startup
Techstars Startup Weekend is the largest grassroots entrepreneurship program in the world.
Learn to think, work and build like a startup in just 54 hours. Techstars Startup Weekend is an exciting and engaging dive into the world of startups. Over three action-packed days, you’ll meet the best mentors, investors, co-founders and sponsors to show you how to best work under tight deadlines.
Will you be the next entrepreneur to start your own business?
August 2nd
Participants present their ideas. After having turned over the ideas, groups are formed to work on the most voted ones.

August 3rd
The ideas are developed to arrive at the creation of a prototype. With the help of mentors we study the market
and the validity of the idea.

August 4th
The projects are presented to the jury and the public. The judges will vote on the best ideas, which will win a prize.

Why Startup Weekend?
Make connections with like minded individuals.
Learn By Doing
Get involved and learn from other team members.
Collaborate and collect valuable feedback from industry experts.
Lead organizers

Global Sponsors

“Startup Weekend helped me to find a path that inspires me. I love sharing my knowledge with other communities for a better, connected, collaborative future.”
Kate Kholodilina
Founder of K&K Mindshift and Techstars Community Leader